Thoughtfully. It is of great importance to prepare carefully before meeting with any insurance representative.
Ask yourself exactly what your objectives are:
- Who are the individuals you are seeking to insure?
- What, precisely, are you attempting to protect?
- For what types of occurrences or events are you trying to obtain this protection?
- What are the dollar policy limits that are necessary to get the protection you are seeking?
- What are your expectations with regard to what is included and what is excluded in your coverage?
- Are you willing to pay higher deductibles on a particular portion of your coverage in order to reduce the cost of your insurance?
- What kind of information should you obtain on the companies you are considering?
- How can you go about gathering this information?
There are many questions you will think of if you simply think through the process before walking into a meeting with an insurance company representative. If you want your insurance to provide real security, it is very important that you prepare a list of goals and questions. Review the Insurance Consumers Types of Insurance relevant to the insurance you are seeking before preparing your lists.